Mặt cười

Ảnh Tiêu đề Ký tự
Smile Smile :) :-) (:
Wink Wink ;)
Frown Frown :(
Mad Mad :mad: >:( :@
Confused Confused :confused:
Cool Cool :cool: 8-)
Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue :p :P :-p :-P
Big Grin Big Grin :D
Eek! Eek! :eek: :o
Oops! Oops! :oops:
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes :rolleyes:
Er... what? Er... what? o_O O_o o.O O.o
happy happy :) :-)
sad sad :( :-(
winking winking ;) ;-)
big green big green :D :d
batting eyelashes batting eyelashes ;;)
big hug big hug >:D< >:d<
confused confused :-/
love struck love struck :x :X :-x :-X
blushing blushing :">
tongue tongue :P :p :-P :-p
kiss kiss :-* :*
broken heart broken heart =((
surprise surprise :-o :-O
angry angry x-(
smug smug :> :->
cool cool b-) B-)
worried worried :-s :-S
whew! whew! #:-s #:-S
devil devil >:)
crying crying :((
laughing laughing :))
straight face straight face :|
raise eyebrow raise eyebrow /:)
rolling on the floor rolling on the floor =))
angel angel o:-) O:-) o:) O:)
nerd nerd :-B :-b
talk to hand talk to hand =;
sleepy sleepy |-) I-)
rolling eyes rolling eyes 8-|
loser loser L-) l-)
sick sick :-&
don't tel anyone don't tel anyone :-$
not talking not talking [-(
clown clown :o) :O)
silly silly 8-}
party party <:-P <:-p
yawn yawn (:|
drooling drooling =P~ =p~
thinking thinking :-?
d'oh d'oh #-o #:-O
applause applause =D> =d>
nailbiting nailbiting :-ss :-SS
hypnotized hypnotized @-)
liar liar :^o
waiting waiting :-w
sigh sigh :-<
phbbbbt phbbbbt >:P >:p
cowboy cowboy <):)
pig pig :@)
cow cow 3:-O 3:-o
monkey monkey :(|)
chicken chicken ~:>
rose rose @};-
good luck good luck %%-
flag flag **==
pumpkin pumpkin (~~)
coffee coffee ~o) ~O)
idea idea *-:)
skull skull 8-x 8-X
bug bug =:)
alien alien >-)
frustrated frustrated :-L :-l
praying praying [-O< [-o<
money eyes money eyes $-)
whistling whistling :-"
feeling beat up feeling beat up b-(
peace sigh peace sigh :)>-
shame on you shame on you [-X [-x
dancing dancing \:D/ \:d/
bring it on bring it on >:/
hee hee hee hee ;))
hiro hiro o->
billy billy o=>
april april o-+
yin yang yin yang (%)
chatterbox chatterbox :-@
not worthy not worthy ^:)^
oh go on oh go on :-j
star star (*)
on the phone on the phone :)]
call me call me :-c
at wits' end at wits' end ~X( ~x(
wave wave :-h
time out time out :-t
daydreaming daydreaming 8->
i don't know i don't know :-??
not listening not listening %-(
puppy dog eyes puppy dog eyes :o3
I don't want to see I don't want to see X_X x_x
hurry up! hurry up! :!!
rock on! rock on! \m/
thumbs down thumbs down :-q
thumbs up thumbs up :-bd
it wasn't me it wasn't me ^#(^
bee bee :bz